Catwoman Vol 5 #29 Cover B Variant Jenny Frison Card Stock Cover - Midtown Comics

Catwoman Vol 5 #29

Cover B Variant Jenny Frison Card Stock Cover

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So far, Selina Kyle’s ambitious plan to gain control of Alleytown has been going purrfectly, but she’s about to run headlong into a brand-new foe—and pass right through them...? Riddle us this, Catwoman! What do the Khadym mob, a non-corporeal assassin, and Poison Ivy have in common? And when it comes to solving riddles, there’s only one person Selina can go to—no matter how much she hates the idea.

Item #: 1986585 Diamond code: UCS21010035/0121DC035 UPC: 76194135682202921

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