Death Takes Center Stage A Lev Gleason Daredevil Novel TP - Midtown Comics
Death Takes Center Stage A Lev Gleason Daredevil Novel TP
Death Takes Center Stage A Lev Gleason Daredevil Novel TP

Death Takes Center Stage A Lev Gleason Daredevil Novel TP

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Written by

It's April 1941, and the Daredevil, Bart Hill, and Tonia Saunders, a New York City columnist, are en-joying a night out at the theatre. Suddenly, a masked phantom, known as The Creeper, attacks the lead actor, Lance Everton, prompting Daredevil to investigate the case! Now, Bart and Tonia must race against acall time to confront the Creeper and figure out how everything is connected!

Item #: 1991948 Diamond code: FEB211398 ISBN: 9781988247588

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