Batman Vol 3 #109 Cover D Incentive Riccardo Federici Card Stock Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Batman Vol 3 #109

Cover D Incentive Riccardo Federici Card Stock Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Main Story: Mayor Nakano green-lights the Magistrate pilot program for Gotham City as Batman goes toe-to-toe with the augmented and bloodthirsty Peacekeeper-01! It’s a brutal battle for the ages, but what secrets does Harley Quinn hold about the man beneath the armor, Sean Mahoney? And how does this all play in to the Scarecrow’s hands?!

Backup: Ghost-Maker is fighting through incredible odds to reach the nefarious Madame Midas...but will his next opponent—BRAINSTORM—be impossible to overcome?!

Item #: 2005976 Diamond code: UCS21040057/0421DC057 UPC: 76194134182810931

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