Joker Presents A Puzzlebox #1 Cover D Incentive Jesus Merino Card Stock Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Joker Presents A Puzzlebox #1

Cover D Incentive Jesus Merino Card Stock Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


It’s story time! The G.C.P.D. discover a mysterious corpse, a magical box, and a murderer’s row of the city’s most dangerous villains sitting in a jail cell. Now all they need to figure out is what exactly happened. Fortunately, one suspect is willing to talk. Unfortunately, it’s The Joker.

Now, superstar writer Matthew Rosenberg, magnificent artist Jesus Merino, and a multitude of rising-star artists invite you to spend a night in the Gotham Central interrogation room for a dozen tales of murder, mayhem, and mystery as told by the Clown Prince of Crime himself. Can you solve this puzzle before the sun comes up?

Item #: 2021868 Diamond code: UCS21060035/0621DC035 UPC: 76194137344700141

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