Vampire Macabre Halloween Special #1 (One Shot) Cover A Regular Aly Fell Cover - Midtown Comics

Vampire Macabre Halloween Special #1

(One Shot) Cover A Regular Aly Fell Cover

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Asylum Press brings you a horrific blood thirsty collection of all-new vampire tales featuring an international cast of artistic talent.

Frank Forte and Edu Menna deliver "Blood Wine" where a con artist dealing in bootlegged vintage wine gets his comeuppance from an elder statesman of the sanguine.

In "Red Moon" a young woman tests her desires against a hipster rock star who has a dark secret, illustrated by MoraMike.

In "Marked by the Beast" we delve into the life of a vampire servant who desperately wants to be a creature of the night by Frank Forte.

And lastly, we introduce "NOSFEROTIKA" - a vampire queen who's lust for blood and the sins of the flesh knows no bounds.

A must for all vampire fans!

Item #: 2027299 Diamond code: JUL211353 ISBN: 9781617240065

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