Book Of Maggor Thoom GN - Midtown Comics
Book Of Maggor Thoom GN
Book Of Maggor Thoom GN

Book Of Maggor Thoom GN

Book Of Maggor Thoom GN

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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On the dark and shadowy surface of a living black hole resides one Maggor Thoom, demon. After endless eons of success as the star employee of the Insanity Acquisition Department, he has lost his passion and purpose. Yet he knows all to well that those who do not drink the Antediluvian Kool-Aid are soon fed to the ravenous Maw. To save himself from annihilation, Mr. Thoom sets off on a desperate journey of self-discovery: he flees The Void and seeks help on a small, blue orb known as Earth. Unfortunately for Thoom, his arrival is detected by the Archon Hunters, an organization dedicated to protecting the world from eldritch horrors such as himself. Immediately two crack hunters are dispatched from headquarters. Their task: hunt down and terminate with extreme prejudice the potential World Destroyer. Can Thoom find a new purpose before he's snuffed out, or will he inadvertently bring about the prophesied End of the World? New from the creator of Rex Libris, The Book of Maggor Thoom

Item #: 2027529 Diamond code: JUL211284 ISBN: 9781593623036

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