Creepy Crawlers Alien Bug Creator Case - Midtown Comics
Creepy Crawlers Alien Bug Creator Case
Creepy Crawlers Alien Bug Creator Case

Creepy Crawlers Alien Bug Creator Case

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


From Jakks Pacific. The Jakks Creepy Crawlers Alien Bug Creator transforms slime to bugs in no time. It's easy for kids to start making bugs. Just crush, create and creep! The brightly colored newly designed aline oven is almost as fun as the bug-making process itself. Made with durable plastic, the oven, trays, and spatula are child-safe and stand up to hours of experimentation in the bug laboratory. This classic toy is recommended for kids 8 to 12 years old.

Item #: 2035796 Diamond code: AUG212598 UPC: 192995406643

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