Nightwing Vol 4 #86 Cover C Incentive Bruno Redondo Design Card Stock Variant Cover (Fear State Tie-In) - Midtown Comics

Nightwing Vol 4 #86

Cover C Incentive Bruno Redondo Design Card Stock Variant Cover (Fear State Tie-In)

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Nightwing and Babs have fought through the fear-stricken Gotham streets, but now their fight takes them to the skies above Gotham, with the Batgirls and Tim Drake (Robin) in tow! Now aboard the Magistrate’s Skybase-01, they have made it their mission to bring the airborne leviathan down, prevent Seer’s disinformation from being broadcast, and save the innocents aboard. But in this paranoia-stricken city, not everyone is who they seem…

Item #: 2040802 Diamond code: UCS21090030/0921DC030 UPC: 76194134174308631

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