Dragon Kingdom Of Wrenly Vol 6 Ice Dragon TP - Midtown Comics
Dragon Kingdom Of Wrenly Vol 6 Ice Dragon TP
Dragon Kingdom Of Wrenly Vol 6 Ice Dragon TP

Dragon Kingdom Of Wrenly Vol 6 Ice Dragon TP

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Ruskin and his friends travel to Flatfrost for the Winter Festival, which is extra special this year because the legendary, ancient ice dragon has appeared! Being thousands of years old, the ice dragon is perhaps the only living creature who knew the original dragon king. She also unknowingly holds an important piece to the puzzle of who the dark forces are that have been plotting against Ruskin. Can Ruskin and his friends uncover the secret and keep the ice dragon safe? Available in softcover and hardcover editions.

Item #: 2043178 Diamond code: SEP211623 ISBN: 9781534484801

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