Magic (MTG) #11 Cover D Incentive Aaron Campbell Virgin Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Magic (MTG) #11

Cover D Incentive Aaron Campbell Virgin Variant Cover

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A New Cabal of Planeswalkers Debuts!

After paying the ultimate price to defeat the mad god, Marit Lage, Planeswalkers Ral Zarek, Kaya, and Vraska return to Ravnica... and the plane closes behind them!

Now a new stranded trio of Planeswalkers - the combustible Chandra Nalaar, the monster tracker Garruk Wildspeaker, and a debuting, mysterious Planeswalker - must find their way back to Ravnica!

But even as they gain foes and friends in new corners of the Multiverse things are worse there than anyone could imagine... as they uncover the plot of an old enemy to manipulate aether on a scale never seen before!

Item #: 2070181 Diamond code: DEC210820 UPC: 84428400814311041

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