Buffy The Last Vampire Slayer #4 Cover D Incentive Giuseppe Camuncoli Virgin Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Buffy The Last Vampire Slayer #4

Cover D Incentive Giuseppe Camuncoli Virgin Variant Cover

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* The Slayer and her allies make one last desperate attempt to bring sunlight back to Earth and send the reigning Evil forces back into the shadows . . .
* But the loss of Buffy's powers is proving too much to bear, and even with the help of Spike, the witches, and newly discovered Potential Slayer Thess, she might not make it.
* Will Buffy be able to hold on long enough to save the world and see her Slayer legacy continue in Thess? Find out in the conclusion to the epic post-apocalyptic series!

Item #: 2077716 Diamond code: JAN220723 UPC: 84428400825900441

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