Project Superpowers Fractured States #1 Cover I Incentive Gary Frank Black & White Cover - Midtown Comics

Project Superpowers Fractured States #1

Cover I Incentive Gary Frank Black & White Cover

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As the nation is torn apart, someone is murdering all the patriotic heroes.

A mysterious amnesiac awakens in a sealed underground base, naked and abandoned. This John Doe emerges to the year 2052, where the entire Project Superpowers Universe has been turned on its head. The United States is no more, ravaged by environmental disaster, and fragmented into warring regions. The Black Terror is now many - revolutionaries trying to save the republic. But who IS John Doe? Why can't he remember anything? And does his presence in this brave new world bring its salvation…or its doom?

Item #: 2084919 Diamond code: FEB220454 UPC: 72513031882401091

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