Pentagram Of Horror #2 Cover B Incentive Marco Fontanili Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Pentagram Of Horror #2

Cover B Incentive Marco Fontanili Variant Cover

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Pentagram of Horror is a new horror anthology with each issue being a stand-alone story. Hate can create and destroy. Hate can unite or divide. Hate is one of those characteristics that makes us human. For some it is an obstacle, a feeling to be ashamed of and repressed; for others it is a fuel that helps bring about great and revolutionary actions. In this chapter entitled "United in Hate" we will see a man who embraces his human nature and will do anything to give us the world we deserve. A world where we too can be free to be human. To be united.

Retailer Incentives: Retailers purchasing ten copies of Cover A (1:10) of PENTAGRAM OF HORROR #2 can purchase 1 copy (per 10) of Cover B by MARCO FONTANILI. Please reach out to your CS rep with questions about retailer incentives.

Item #: 2100852 Diamond code: APR221324 UPC: 02221168527200221

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