Artists Elite Presents #3 Cover A Regular Ale Garza Cover - Midtown Comics

Artists Elite Presents #3

Cover A Regular Ale Garza Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


#3 features the premiere of 2 new stories plus Part 2 of Brett Booth's () where Basilisk awakens and must prove he’s battle ready before he can cross paths with the assassin Morrighan!

Chad Hardin's () is the tale of a hunter who destroys vampires, werewolves, and demons to keep the people of 19th century Europe safe from a cult determined to bring suffering and eternal darkness to the world.

Jordan Gunderson's () reveals a complex mystery that stretches back to the dawn of civilization through a young woman's search for answers about her family's past.

Item #: 2124235 Diamond code: 0722AE241 UPC: 19685283952000311

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