Blade In The Dark #1 Cover B Incentive Adam Kmiolek Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Blade In The Dark #1

Cover B Incentive Adam Kmiolek Variant Cover

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They came, masked, in the dead of night and burned the village to ash. Rook of the Hidden Song, sole survivor to his people, must seek Vengeance. Yet the path ahead is strewn with hidden dangers; monstrous creatures inhabiting the skins of the dead and dying, human soldiers warped by supernatural forces and rogue gods intent on mischief and destruction. Rook must cut a path of blood and reclaim the treasured heart of his ashen village or die in the attempt and take his place alongside his slaughtered kin.

Item #: 2128361 Diamond code: JUL221342 UPC: 02221168926300121

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