A Fade Of Light GN - Midtown Comics
A Fade Of Light GN
A Fade Of Light GN

A Fade Of Light GN

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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The first time Nate met his future stepdad in the summer of 1994, he thought Ron was nice, goofy, and kind, the type of guy who wasn't afraid to be himself. Ron liked to honk at other Jeeps while driving his own, bang on the drums without abandon, and order practically the whole menu at drive-thrus. It was alternatively embarrassing, annoying, and funny, though one thing was for sure: life with Ron was never dull. But as years passed, Nate noticed Ron's behavior becoming erratic and strange. He forgot obvious things and seemed more stubborn and irritable than before. Finally Ron received a diagnosis: he has frontotemporal dementia, a progressive disorder that affects about 10 percent of all dementia cases. A Fade of Light is a graphic memoir capturing the fullness of a life well lived-the ups and downs, the laughter and tears, the joys and heartaches, and the treasured moments that will always be cherished, if not remembered.

Item #: 2135204 Diamond code: AUG221971 ISBN: 9781513134994

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