Magic (MTG) #20 Cover B Variant Megan Hutchison-Cates Secret Planeswalker Cover - Midtown Comics

Magic (MTG) #20

Cover B Variant Megan Hutchison-Cates Secret Planeswalker Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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The finale of the fourth arc of Magic reaches a fever pitch as the Battle of Ravnica rages on, not just between Niv-Mizzet and Tezzeret, but also the Planeswalkers and the Guildpact Guard!

Between daring escapes, deadly ambushes, and a mad grab for godhood, it will take all of the power at the Planeswalkers' disposal to stop the worst from happening...

Item #: 2142694 Diamond code: SEP220398 UPC: 84428400814320021

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