Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (BOOM Studios) #102 Cover D Incentive Jenny Frison Virgin Cover - Midtown Comics

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (BOOM Studios) #102

Cover D Incentive Jenny Frison Virgin Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


The bold and greatly anticipated Reunited, Recharged era of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers continues with the superstar creative lineup of Melissa Flores (Power Rangers, The Dead Lucky) and Simona Di Gianfelice (Firefly)!

While the gravest threats to Earth seemed put to rest, the legacy that began in Go Go Power Rangers unfolds in ways no Power Rangers fans could have imagined!

As the mystery of what happened on the embattled moon begins to unravel, a villain returns from the past, along with their sick and twisted creation!

Item #: 2144672 Diamond code: SEP220404 UPC: 84428400886002041

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