Sirens Gate #2 Cover C Incentive Shannon Maer Tara Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Sirens Gate #2

Cover C Incentive Shannon Maer Tara Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Featuring the first interior artwork by acclaimed cover artist Shannon Maer! With a new threat rising, Tara must once again trust in her vampire protector. Michael leads her through the darkness, with the promise of answers in the end. Already finding herself thrust into a world where werewolves and vampires are the new normal - how will Tara hold up as she bares her soul before the witch? With the supernatural uncovered around every corner, Tara cannot help but wonder how her literary idol, Lady Rose, fits into all of this. Is there still some mystery yet to be revealed?

Item #: 2164473 Diamond code: AUG229132 UPC: 72513032398902031

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