Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #3 Cover I Incentive Alan Quah Variant Cover (Cover Misprint As #2) - Midtown Comics

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #3

Cover I Incentive Alan Quah Variant Cover (Cover Misprint As #2)

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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It's SHREDDER vs. RANGER X as the battle goes underway and Rita's armies are a powerful match for our de-powered heroes!

Unlikely alliances and unlikely sanctuaries abound as the Rangers and Turtles, specifically Billy and Donatello, put their heads together and create a secret weapon.

But the problem is… it might change them in ways they can't come back from!

Item #: 2172046 Diamond code: DEC220391 UPC: 84428400907203091

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