Expanse Dragon Tooth #1 Cover D Incentive Salvador Larroca Virgin Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Expanse Dragon Tooth #1

Cover D Incentive Salvador Larroca Virgin Variant Cover

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o Picking up after the final season of the acclaimed and beloved sci-fi series and filling in the missing years between The Expanse: Babylon's Ashes and The Expanse: Persepolis Rising, the secret history of your favorite characters are revealed for the first time!
o Everything comes together in this epic 12-issue story, tying together the threads of the show and answering lingering questions that will bring readers and viewers alike far beyond the stellar horizon.
o Across this monumental maxi-series, superstar comics writer Andy Diggle (Green Lanterns, James Bond) and artist Rubine (Voltron: Legendary Defender) broadens The Expanse universe in ways that will change how fans view the entire series forever!

Item #: 2190652 Diamond code: FEB230278 UPC: 84428400934801041

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