Gryffen Galaxys Most Wanted #2 Cover C Variant Bruno Hidalgo Cover - Midtown Comics

Gryffen Galaxys Most Wanted #2

Cover C Variant Bruno Hidalgo Cover

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Series artist Bruno Hidalgo, known for his work on the Ignatz Award-nominated series Heavenly Blues, offers an original cover design for Gryffen in print for the first time.

Gryffen's crusade of terror against the fascist Sovereign Reach has ignited the empire's wrath, and the fate of an entire planet hangs in the balance! Gryffen and their crew's quest to save the planet Ensara comes to a fiery climax, as the ruthless Admiral Hunter joins the fray! What secrets do Gryffen and Hunter share, and why is the admiral willing to spill an ocean of blood just to see Gryffen dead? If Gryffen wants to prevent a genocide, it'll take daring, fringe science, and a little bit of being shot into the cold void space.

Item #: 2198303 Diamond code: MAR232002 UPC: 72355236058200231

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