Batman Superman Worlds Finest #15 Cover C Incentive Walter Simonson & Laura Martin Card Stock Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Batman Superman Worlds Finest #15

Cover C Incentive Walter Simonson & Laura Martin Card Stock Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Years ago, Professor Anthony Ivo built Amazo, a killer android who could duplicate the powers of the Justice League. But now an even deadlier android stalks the DC Universe: Ultra-Morpho! Able to transform into any element, including Kryptonite, Ultra-Morpho can kill Batman, Superman, Robin, and Metamorpho in one fell swoop!

But who created him? Who does he work for? And what has he done to Will Magnus, inventor of the Metal Men?!

Item #: 2200107 Diamond code: UCS23030173/0323DC173 UPC: 76194137521201531

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