Spirit World #4 Cover C Incentive Marcio Takara Card Stock Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Spirit World #4

Cover C Incentive Marcio Takara Card Stock Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Cass Cain, Batgirl, has died before, and it seems the spirits of the Spirit World met her when she passed through before being revived by the Lazarus Pit...but then how come she doesn't remember being there?

Then, as Constantine's memories start to fade after being in the Spirit World for too long, he begins to turn on Xanthe, who needs to find a way back to the land of living or Constantine will be a permanent resident of the land of the dead...either way, time's running out!

Item #: 2226613 Diamond code: UCS23060184/0623DC184 UPC: 76194137801500431

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