I Robot The Illustrated Screenplay TP - Midtown Comics
I Robot The Illustrated Screenplay TP
I Robot The Illustrated Screenplay TP

I Robot The Illustrated Screenplay TP

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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In 1977, producers approached multiple-award-winning author Harlan Ellison to take a crack at this "impossible" project. He accepted the challenge, and produced an astonishing screenplay that Asimov felt would be "The first really adult, complex, worthwhile science fiction movie ever made."

That screenplay is presented here in book format, brought to scintillating life by the illustrations of artist Mark Zug. In the introduction by Harlan Ellison, you will learn what happened to I, ROBOT and why this version never reached the screen. Then you decide: Is this not the greatest science fiction movie never made?'>THE GREATEST SCIENCE FICTION MOVIE NEVER MADE!

For more than 25 years, numerous attempts were made to adapt Isaac Asimov's classic story-cycle, I, ROBOT, to the motion picture medium. All efforts failed. The magical, memorable tales of mechanized servitors with positronic brains, and the ways in which such amazing creations would forever alter human society through the justly famous Three Laws of Robotics, defied the most cunning efforts of scenarists and filmmakers.

In 1977, producers approached multiple-award-winning author Harlan Ellison to take a crack at this "impossible" project. He accepted the challenge, and produced an astonishing screenplay that Asimov felt would be "The first really adult, complex, worthwhile science fiction movie ever made."

That screenplay is presented here in book format, brought to scintillating life by the illustrations of artist Mark Zug. In the introduction by Harlan Ellison, you will learn what happened to I, ROBOT and why this version never reached the screen. Then you decide: Is this not the greatest science fiction movie never made?

Item #: 22283

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