Pathfinder Wake The Dead #3 Cover D Incentive Eman Casallos Virgin Cover - Midtown Comics

Pathfinder Wake The Dead #3

Cover D Incentive Eman Casallos Virgin Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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In this issue: Our heroes try to escape from Mimic Mansion alive, but wind up in the caverns beneath it where escaped chattel from Geb are hiding and eking out a pitiful survival! Throw in a forced march to Geb, and the potential of capture on top of it all, and... well, how are they going to get out of this one!?!

Written by FRED VAN LENTE, with incredible art by EMAN CASALLOS and stunning covers by EMAN CASALLOS, STEVE ELLIS and BIAGIO D'ALESSANDRO, Pathfinder: Wake the Dead #3 also features playable character stats officially sanctioned by the Pathfinder Society!

Item #: 2236709 Diamond code: JUL230261 UPC: 72513033022203041

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