Star Trek The Motion Picture Echoes #5 Cover C Incentive Nickolej Villiger Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Star Trek The Motion Picture Echoes #5

Cover C Incentive Nickolej Villiger Variant Cover

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Peace hangs in the balance with Akris and the Romulans' plans to test the devastating Nightbringer weapon on an innocent population and with the Enterprise crew's actions treading the line of the Federation-Romulan peace treaty. Meanwhile, Nyota has gone rogue after finding the crew's actions too passive for her liking. Can Nyota and Kirk set aside their differences to ensure a peaceful resolution and avoid sparking the next intergalactic war? Find out in the finale of Star Trek: The Motion Picture: Echoes!

Item #: 2237098 Diamond code: JUL231233 UPC: 82771403156000531

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