Exciting Comics Vol 2 #40 - Midtown Comics

Exciting Comics Vol 2 #40

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This whole issue is the dominion of Dominion Jack (Jack Briglio, Hugh Rookwood). As Delegate tries to help behind the scenes, Dominion Jack and Mashup join the fray, trying to contain Mob's evil Flash Mob! It all comes to a head in a hat trick final battle: Mashup versus Kid Control! Dominion Jack versus Mob! And Delegate versus Takeover! Will the team survive unscathed? As the repercussions are felt, curling takes centre ice when La Commedia's Perplex and Conundrum attack during the Brier. Can the team stand united against this latest menace?

Item #: 2243923 Diamond code: AUG231575 UPC: 61072105010104011

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