Rick And Morty Heart Of Rickness #4 Cover A Regular Patricia Martin Samaniego Cover - Midtown Comics

Rick And Morty Heart Of Rickness #4

Cover A Regular Patricia Martin Samaniego Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


The stunning conclusion of Rick's fight to prove he's the top Rick and the top dad!

Summer and Morty settle into their new, technology-free lives. Unfortunately, Wizard Beth's tech has secretly kept Savage Rick's settlement safe from a horde of demons. Rick needs to reprogram it to stave off a MEGA demon, and the final brawl commences. Beth and Jerry finally arrive, with their own problems following close behind. Can all these wrongs cancel each other out? Maybe!

Item #: 2244215 Diamond code: AUG232112 UPC: 64985600768100411

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