Bad Omens Concrete Jungle #3 Cover D Incentive Ivan Fiorelli Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Bad Omens Concrete Jungle #3

Cover D Incentive Ivan Fiorelli Variant Cover

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Ivan Fiorelli is an Italian comic book artist working for Marvel, Image Comics, Sergio Bonelli Editore, and other international publishers.

From the mega-viral and chart-topping band known as Bad Omens, comes this comic series based on their newest record, The Death of Peace of Mind.

THE GREY: After the events of issues one and two, Bad Omens has put the Concrete Jungle on notice. The four members are taking over districts one by one, and will do whatever it takes to reach the top. But as always, something is ready to bring them down to size and keep the Jungle in the hands of the wealthy.

Item #: 2255999 Diamond code: SEP231110 UPC: 81013165006300341

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