Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (BOOM Studios) #117 Cover B Variant Bjorn Barends Dark Grid Cover - Midtown Comics

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (BOOM Studios) #117

Cover B Variant Bjorn Barends Dark Grid Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Things are desperate on Earth as Mistress Vile attacks, with Rangers from different universes and civilians alike teaming up to keep the carnage at bay, but some special objects may be the key to keeping the planet safe... even if it won't last for long.

As Billy and the HyperForce Rangers rush to repair the Master Arch, they're only able to pull a single ally from the heart of the Morphin Grid as Dark Specter's power grows...

Item #: 2280214 Diamond code: DEC230122 UPC: 84428400886017021

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