Radiant Black Vol 5 Crisis TP - Midtown Comics
Radiant Black Vol 5 Crisis TP
Radiant Black Vol 5 Crisis TP

Radiant Black Vol 5 Crisis TP

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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The Catalyst War Begins! As an alien army vaster than the stars descends on Earth, Nathan and Marshall have to make the biggest decision of their lives: which of them will be Radiant Black? Two timelines will be tested in the trials of The Catalyst War-and neither will escape unchanged! Radiant Black is a Massive-Verse series. Collects Radiant Black #25 A & B, #26 A & B, and #27 A & B.

Item #: 2280516 Diamond code: DEC230437/1223IM241 ISBN: 9781534397255

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