Art Club TP - Midtown Comics
Art Club TP
Art Club TP

Art Club TP

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Written by

Art by

Drawn from the author's own childhood, this contemporary graphic novel paints a picture of an aspiring young artist on a mission to prove that the arts are worth fighting for. Dale Donavan has heard the same lecture over and over again: Art will get you nowhere in life. A kid with a creative streak, Dale wants nothing more than to doodle, play video games, and create comics forever-maybe even as a full-time job one day. But between his grandfather pushing him to focus on his studies and a school with zero interest in funding arts programs, Dale feels like his future has already been decided for him. That is, until he comes up with the perfect plan: What if he starts an after-school art club, gathers a team of creative students like himself, and proves all the naysayers-his stubborn vice principal in particular-wrong? This might just work, but if the club isn't financially successful by the end of the semester, the school with shut them down. This may be Dale's only chance to show the adults in his life that a career as an artist is not just a dream but a possibility!

Item #: 2280533 Diamond code: DEC231562 ISBN: 9780759556393

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