John Constantine Hellblazer Dead In America #2 Cover B Variant DANI Cover - Midtown Comics

John Constantine Hellblazer Dead In America #2

Cover B Variant DANI Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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With the specter of mortality breathing down his neck, John heads to the Big Easy, where he enlists the skills of old friend Clarice Sackville to heal the fractured mind of Alec Holland, the Swamp Thing, and use that elemental power to kickstart his own dead heart. Perhaps she can do that--but it will require a drug-induced journey into distant realms that'll shake John to his rotten core.

And meanwhile, Nat and Noah learn the magical lengths Clarice is willing to go to in order to extend her own terrifyingly long life...

Item #: 2281587 Diamond code: UCS23120184/1223DC184 UPC: 76194138052000221

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