Star Trek Defiant #12 Cover C Incentive Declan Shalvey Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Star Trek Defiant #12

Cover C Incentive Declan Shalvey Variant Cover

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Original Star Trek: Defiant writer-artist duo Christopher Cantwell and Ángel Unzueta delve into the sci-fi horror genre in arc three of the fan-favorite series!Eager to move past the unofficial bounty-hunting mission assigned to them by Starfleet, disgraced former ambassador and Starfleet legend, Worf, and his rogue crew make way for Starbase 99, a run-down remnant of the Dominion War, to complete their fugitive drop-off. The clandestine assignment has left them disillusioned with Starfleet and with one another, but a surprise awaits the Defiant crew, threatening to tear the crew apart even further-literally.

Item #: 2281777 Diamond code: DEC231072 UPC: 82771403137901231

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