House Of Slaughter #21 Cover H Incentive Werther Dell Edera Virgin Cover - Midtown Comics

House Of Slaughter #21

Cover H Incentive Werther Dell Edera Virgin Cover

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After the terrifying conclusion to Bait's tale, Jace Boucher's final story begins!

For the first time in 25 years, the feeble Old Dragon is welcomed to the Butcher Shop, and the stark contrast in power between the House of Boucher and the others is clear as day.

Through clandestine scheming in the shadows, the House of Slaughter will do whatever it takes to track down the rogue Jace as their target, including aligning with Jace's former house.

But... will Jace go on the run, or finally seize the opportunity for the revenge he's always wanted?

Item #: 2293807 Diamond code: JAN240045 UPC: 84428400830321081

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