Ghostbusters Back In Town #3 Cover B Variant Mike Norton Cover - Midtown Comics

Ghostbusters Back In Town #3

Cover B Variant Mike Norton Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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As tensions rise in the city and in the Spengler family, Phoebe discovers the entity targeting the Ghostbusters: the malevolent Madam Malvaeux! On her own and outmatched, Phoebe escapes through the sewers, and stumbles into . . . supernatural standup?
Follow the Ghostbusters official return to New York City with the third installment of this all-new series! Ghostbusters: Back in Town features script by David Booher, art by Blue Delliquanti, and colors by Mildred Louis.

Item #: 2302540 Diamond code: FEB240963 UPC: 76156801197500321

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