Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Cinderella Murder For All Seasons #1 (One Shot) Cover D Variant Ivan Tao Cover - Midtown Comics

Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Cinderella Murder For All Seasons #1

(One Shot) Cover D Variant Ivan Tao Cover

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Ever since she was born, Cinderella has played by her own rules, which probably explains her lack of logic and boundaries. So when an evil corporation develops a way to change the very fabric of time to meet its own needs, accidentally involving Cindy is the last thing they or even she wanted. Now, forced to save reality to save herself, the serial killer princess must fight sword and nail through millions of years of history if she plans to survive this insane adventure!

Item #: 2302692 Diamond code: FEB240926 UPC: 69183573262600141

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