Destro #1 Cover A Regular Andrei Bressan & Adriano Lucas Cover - Midtown Comics

Destro #1

Cover A Regular Andrei Bressan & Adriano Lucas Cover

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Mini-Series Premiere. The next chapter of The Cobra Threat threat begins here! James McCullen Destro XXIV is the man behind M.A.R.S. Industries, the undisputed leader in providing high-tech weapons to world powers... for the right price. But the emergence of Energon has changed everything. As Destro's ambitions grow, the "Crimson Twins" Tomax and Xamot Paoli emerge to destroy their competition, and Cobra Commander realizes his current ally could be his future greatest enemy. Acclaimed writer Dan Watters and artist Andrei Bressan change the balance of power in the Energon Universe forever.

Item #: 2316127 Diamond code: APR240393/0424IM190 UPC: 70985304017000111

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