Vampirella Vol 8 #668 Cover M Variant Lucio Parrillo Ultraviolet Cover - Midtown Comics

Vampirella Vol 8 #668

Cover M Variant Lucio Parrillo Ultraviolet Cover

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After repeatedly dying then waking up to relive the same day, Vampirella finally cracks the mystery of her temporal prison by assembling clues from the tormenting visions she had thought were just recurring nightmares. Armed with this new awareness, the Daughter of Drakulon discovers the key to restoring her "real" reality: make sure she's not murdered again!

Acclaimed author CHRISTOPHER PRIEST and fan-favorite artist ERGÃœN GÃœNDÃœZ shift the celebration of Vampirella's six decades in comics into high gear with Vampirella #668 - continuing the series' legacy numbering that reflects all of Vampi's previous appearances in print, and featuring timeless new covers from LUCIO PARRILLO, ELIAS CHATZOUDIS, and CARLA COHEN!


Item #: 2317750 Diamond code: FEB247675 UPC: 72513034120468131

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