Army Of Darkness Forever #10 Cover G Incentive Arthur Suydam Virgin Cover - Midtown Comics

Army Of Darkness Forever #10

Cover G Incentive Arthur Suydam Virgin Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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The Legendary ASH WILLIAMS is back destroying Deadites past, present and future!

"Oh, I can't wait to kick your dead asses!"
Issue #10: Sheila faces the ultimate familial horror as Ash and the Necronomicon Baby arrive in the medieval ages to take the battle to the past (again!)! However, Evil Ash is hot on his heels as we head towards the final showdown!

Picking up immediately after the ARMY OF DARKNESS DIRECTOR'S CUT, this new series features four incredible covers by horror icons, including series writer/Mastermind Tony Fleecs, artist Chris Burnham, the zombie king Arthur Suydam and Bjorn Barends!


Item #: 2329884 Diamond code: MAY240271 UPC: 72513033477010071

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