Thundercats Cheetara #2 Cover E Variant Edwin Galmon Cover - Midtown Comics

Thundercats Cheetara #2

Cover E Variant Edwin Galmon Cover

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As a member of Thundera's ruling class, Cheetara was early on betrothed to a suiter appropriate to her station. There was no love in the match, but she understood the value of a suitable companion. Now, as she meets another potential partner, that person is on her mind - something that could get very complicated, given that her latent psychic abilities are just beginning to emerge!

Comics powerhouse SOO LEE and rising star artist DOMENICO CARBONE delve ever deeper into Thundera's rich history - and the saga of one of its greatest champions - with ThunderCats: Cheetara #2, featuring iconic cover art from LEE, LESLEY "LEIRIX" LI, REBECA PUEBLA, and EDWIN GALMON!


Item #: 2337566 Diamond code: JUN240209 UPC: 72513034662902051

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