Gilt Frame #3 - Midtown Comics

Gilt Frame #3

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A classic whodunit murder mystery that spans the globe from Paris to Hawaii to Montenegro as we hustle to keep up with the most unlikely murder-solving duo in the history of murder-solvers. Can our unlikely detective duo solve the murder? Spoiler: Yes, they can. And do. Multiple times. But solving the murder is only half the battle. It's the motive for the murder that will be the heartbreaking twist and the reason why you'll want to go back and re-read the entire thing in a completely new light. This final chapter has it all. Murders (of course), the chaos performance artists, a dupe, a rube, a patsy, a hitman, a femme fatale, and even a homme fatale. Everything you want in a murder mystery plus one thing you didn't know you needed.

Item #: 2345270 Diamond code: JUL241072 UPC: 76156801256900311

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