Mirka Andolfos Unsacred Variant Pack Vol 2 - Midtown Comics

Mirka Andolfos Unsacred Variant Pack Vol 2

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Mirka Andolfo (Mercy, Unnatural, DC Bombshells) returns, bringing life to a Heaven (and a Hell) filled with humor and lovable characters! In Un/Sacred Vol 2, Mirka invites you once again into the world of Angelina and Damiano...and Eden, the new arrival in the family!

This bundle offers all six issues of Mirka Andolfo's Un/Sacred Vol. 2, presented in a variety of unique variant covers at a special price! Limited to 300!

Featuring the following fantastic covers:
#1 - Maria Llovet
#2 - Gabriele Bagnoli
#3 - Mirka Andolfo "Devil Angelina" Variant
#4 - Mirko Andolfo "Eden in the Middle" Variant
#5 - Mirko Andolfo "Cleavage Dive" Variant
#6 - Mirka Andolfo "Damiano Bra" Variant

Item #: 2345567 Diamond code: JUL240956 ISBN: 9781684973644

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