Rick And Morty Youth In Rickvolt #2 Cover A Regular Tony Gregori Cover - Midtown Comics

Rick And Morty Youth In Rickvolt #2

Cover A Regular Tony Gregori Cover

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The revolution continues in the all-new, all-upstart epic from Michael Moreci (Barbaric, Wasted Space) and Tony Gregori (Porkchop Robot Killer, Rick and Morty Super Spring Break Special) about rebellion, adolescence, and freedom!

Rick and Beth have infiltrated the Revolution World with a less-than-foolproof plan to destroy the rebellion from the inside out, but that plan is quickly thwarted by dinosaur-riding rebel children out for Rick's blood. Meanwhile, back home, Summer discovers Rick's pocket universe, along with evidence that Rick and Beth are there. Worse, she learns this universe is becoming unstable, and it's only a matter of time before it collapses on itself . . .

Item #: 2345610 Diamond code: JUL241917 UPC: 64985600801500211

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