Pulphope2 The Art Of Paul Pope TP - Midtown Comics
Pulphope2 The Art Of Paul Pope TP
Pulphope2 The Art Of Paul Pope TP

Pulphope2 The Art Of Paul Pope TP

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PulpHope: The Art of Paul Pope makes its highly anticipated return to print in PulpHope2: The Art of Paul Pope. This updated, premium format edition contains never before seen art and brand new previously unavailable material.

Iconic auteur and New York Times bestselling cartoonist Paul Pope (Battling Boy, Batman: Year 100) has worked with companies and clients including Kodansha, Nike, Disney, Image, DC, Marvel, and the British Film Institute. A critical and commercial icon, his influences include European, Japanese, and American comics traditions, while his own impact is undeniable across generations of artists.

BOOM! Studios is proud to answer the call of art fans and collectors worldwide in putting this essential and much sought-after artbook in their hands, with newly revealed insights and expanded visuals that cannot be missed!

Item #: 2346810 Diamond code: JUL240070 UPC: 979889215030953999 ISBN: 9798892150309

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