Thundercats Cheetara #3 Cover L Incentive Rebeca Puebla Virgin Cover - Midtown Comics

Thundercats Cheetara #3

Cover L Incentive Rebeca Puebla Virgin Cover

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As Cheetara becomes more conscious of her hidden powers, she is also increasingly troubled by apocalyptic visions of the future. Goaded on by these haunting dreams, she ramps up her training of the young Lion-0 to prepare him for the trials ahead - but pushing the young prince so hard may wind up doing more harm than good!
The acclaimed creative team of writer SOO LEE and artist DOMENICO CARBONE continue to unveil the secrets that lie at the heart of Thundera and the saga of the ThunderCats in ThunderCats: Cheetara #3 EDWIN GALMON! commemorated with classic covers from LEE, LESLEY "LEIRIX" LI, REBECA PUEBLA, and

Item #: 2346953 Diamond code: JUL240198 UPC: 72513034662903121

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