Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Usagi Yojimbo #1 (One Shot) Cover G Incentive Takeshi Miyazawa Virgin Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Usagi Yojimbo #1

(One Shot) Cover G Incentive Takeshi Miyazawa Virgin Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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During a routine Rita Repulsa attack, the Rangers' morphers do something unexpected... send them back to the Edo era of Japan!

Using the Morphin Grid's power, the mysterious Ogasawara pulls the Rangers through time and begs for help, but when the enemy they face isn't what they expect, our heroes will face a painful revelation!

In celebration of the 40th anniversary of Usagi Yojimbo, discover the crossover between the Rabbit Ronin and the teenagers with attitude that fans have been waiting for!

Item #: 2347223 Diamond code: JUL240046 UPC: 84428401134101071

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