Cult Of The Lamb #4 Cover E Incentive Jesse Lonergan Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Cult Of The Lamb #4

Cover E Incentive Jesse Lonergan Variant Cover

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Heretical creators Alex Paknadel (Detective Comics) and Troy Little (Rick and Morty vs. Cthulhu) write the final chapter of Cult of the Lamb's FIRST VERSE-and lay the seeds for new chapters yet to be told . . .

Lamb returns to the Darkwood, determined to finally defeat the nefarious Bishop Leshy at any cost. Back at the cult, Nana struggles with the instruction to sacrifice a follower in order to grant Lamb the power to push through their boss fight, but ultimately realizes what's best for the Lamb is best for the cult, and a difficult choice is made . . .

Item #: 2347386 Diamond code: JUL241904 UPC: 64985600794000451

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