Hack Slash Body Bags #2 Cover B Variant Kalman Andrasofszky Cover - Midtown Comics

Hack Slash Body Bags #2

Cover B Variant Kalman Andrasofszky Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


With Panda trapped inside the School for the Contractual Arts with a slasher, it's up to Cassie Hack to save her @$$. But Panda, newly trained in bagging bodies, ain't gonna take any $%&# from some spooky *&*(%&...especially when she's got classmates to impress!

And, Vlad is sent after Mack Delgado, aka Clownface. But with Mack convinced an assassin is after him, machetes are going to fly. The epic re-introduction of JASON PEARSON's cult heroes continues by the original creators of HACK/SLASH!

Item #: 2362334 Diamond code: SEP240567/0924IM362 UPC: 70985304125200221

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